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The Award-Winning Thrustcast

May 18, 2017

They talk about the next movie in the Thrustcast Film Series, Man of the House, the one with Tommy Lee Jones, not the one with Chevy Chase and Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

Special guest Bob drops his sword, Cochran is a TLJ fan, and Robb can't remember what happened.

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May 11, 2017

Special guest Bob, Robb, & Cochran select the next movie from the Thrustcast Film Bag.

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May 4, 2017

They talk about talking houses and the rise and fall of Disco.

Cochran always gets popcorn at the movies, always has a hot dog on the Fourth of July, and has become worse at listening. Robb doesn't want a new friend, is pro-hot dog, and would rather use his thumbs. Everybody has to listen to the Ethel Merman Disco...